French Language Sophie French Language Sophie

Learn French at the Gym

The best French verbs to keep you motivated while working out.

While being physically active, try infusing these French verbs into your repetitive movements. It is the perfect time to infuse language learning as your brain is more expansive and cohesive during physical activity. In fact, there are a number of studies that prove the benefits of infused learning & physical active being combined together. So next time you grab your bright blue yoga mat, keep the following in mind and repeat, repeat, repeat. Namaste.

STEP 1: Getting To The Gym

We all know that one of the hardest parts of going to the gym is actually getting outside of our daily routines and repeatedly going. What you may not have thought of is that French could be the motivator to get you there! By infusing French into your gym workout, you can 'kill two birds with one stone' and learn a new language while being active. Try looking at the thoughts below and practice the French verbs every morning before your next session:

Thought #1 "I'm too tired to go to the gym"

While this may be true if you are like most New Yorkers who work 14-hours a day, any French person knows that being 'too tired' is not an excuse for avoiding staying slim and healthy. Thus, let's turn this frown-up-side-down with the verb 'must.' For example, I must go to the gym. Period. No excuses, just straight forward French thinking. The verb 'Must' in French is 'Droit.' Below is the conjugation of this verb along simple sentences to practice using it. Try saying the verb out loud, along with the audio recording below:


Je dois aller au sport. (I must go to the gym.)

Tu dois aller au sport. (You must go to the gym.)

Il/elle doit aller au sport. (He/She must go to the gym.)

Nous devons aller au sport / on doit aller au sport. (We must go to the gym.)

Vous devez aller au sport. (You (plural) must go to the gym.)

Ils /elles doivent aller au sport. (They must go to the gym.)


Let's continue to use this verb in a new way of thinking. For example 'I must get stronger,' 'I must lose weight,' 'I must stay active & healthy.' Take a look at these sentences below using the same conjunctions from above and practice them utilizing the audio recordings as a guide.

Thought #2: "I must get stronger"

Je dois devenir plus fort. (I must get stronger.)

Tu dois devenir plus fort. (You mush get stronger.)

Il/elle doit devenir plus fort(e). (He/She must get stronger.)

Nous devons devenir plus fort/On doit devenir plus fort. (We must get stronger.)

Vous devez devenir plus fort(e)s. (You (plural) must get stronger.)

Ils/elles doivent devenir plus fort(e)s. (They must get stronger.)


Thought #3: "I must lose weight"

Je dois perdre du poids. (I must lose weight.)

Tu dois perdre du poids. (You must lose weight.)

Il/elle doit perdre du poids. (He/She must lose weight.)

Nous devons perdre du poids. (We must lose weight.)

Vous devez perdre du poids. (You (plural) must lose weight.)

Ils/elles doivent perdre du poids. (They must lose weight.)


Thought #4: "I must stay active & healthy"

Je dois rester actif/active et en bonne santé. (I must stay active & healthy.)

Tu dois rester actif/active et en bonne santé. (You must stay active & healthy.)

Il/elle doit rester actif/active et en bonne santé. (He/She must stay active & healthy.)

Nous devons rester actifs/actives et en bonne santé / On doit rester actifs/actives et en bonne santé. (We must stay active & healthy.)

Vous devez rester actif/active et en bonne santé. (You (plural) must stay active & healthy.)

Ils/Elles doivent rester actifs/actives et en bonne santé. (They must stay active & healthy.)


STEP 2: YOU made it to THE GYM

Amazing! Now that you have forced yourself to go to the gym with the verb 'Droit,' let's kick it into high gear with some physical motions you might actually use while there like 'To Run,' 'To Lift' (weights), 'To Sweat,' and 'To Stretch.' To keep things simple, we will speak in the present tense and will use the same sentence for each verb for practice. Try memorizing the conjugations for each verb by saying them out loud using the sentences below. When you are at the gym in real life, say these sentences to yourself as practice. Ready, Set, GO!


Je cours. (I am running.)

Tu cours. (You are running.)

Il/Elle court. (He/She is running.)

Nous courons / On court. (We are running.)

Vous courez. (You (plural) are running.)

Ils /elles courent. (They are running.



Je pousse des poids. (I am lifting weights.)

Tu pousses des poids. (You are lifting weights.)

Il /Elle pousse des poids. (He/She is lifting weights.)

Nous poussons des poids / On pousse des poids. (We are lifting weights.)

Vous poussez des poids. (You (plural) are lifting weights.)

Ils / Elles poussent des poids. (They are lifting weights.)



Je transpire. (I am sweating.)

Tu transpires. (You are sweating.)

Il/Elle transpire. (He/She is sweating.)

Nous transpirons / On  transpire. (We are sweating.)

Vous transpirez. (You (plural) are sweating.)

Ils /Elles transpirent. (They are sweating.)



Je m'étire. (I am stretching.)

Tu t'étires. (You are stretching)

Il /Elle S'étire. (He/She is stretching.)

Nous nous étirons / On s'étire. (We are stretching.)

Vous vous étirez. (You (plural) are stretching.)

Ils/Elles s'étirent. (They are stretching.)


STEP 3: you had a great workout

Now that you made it through an amazing workout, you are feeling proud and happy for the healthy decisions you made. At this point you are ready for a quick shower and to head back home/apartment for a relaxing moment and possibly even a snack. Some congratulatory phrases you use to reward yourself are "I did it!" and "I am the best!" From these phrases come the verbs "To Do," and "To Be." Take a look at them below and use the audio to practice each sentence. Next time you complete a workout, make sure to say these positive phrases to yourself for all of your handwork. Heck, just for making it all the way through this article, you should say them all to yourself after practicing a few times through. Keep up the good work!


J'ai réussi! (I did it!)

Tu as réussi! (You did it!)

Il /Elle a réussi! (He/She did it!)

Nous avons réussi! / On a réussi! (We did it!)

Vous avez réussi! (You (plural) did it!)

Ils / Elles ont réussi! (They did it!)



Je suis le/la meilleur(e)! (I am the best!)

Tu es le/la meilleur(e)! (You are the best!)

Il /Elle est le/la meilleur(e)! (He/She is the best!)

Nous sommes les meilleur(e)s! / On est les meilleur(es)! (We are the best!)

Vous êtes les meilleur(e)s! (You (plural) are the best!)

Ils /Elles sont les meilleur(e)s! (They are the best!)


Congratulations on all of your handwork! You made it through the Learn French at the Gym. Just like physical activity, you need to continue to excise your brain. By incorporation these exercises into your workout routine, you'll be expanding your French knowledge in a great way. Do your best to memorize these verbs and say them over and over while doing different activities. You will thank yourself next time you travel to France! For more tips and useful French instruction or to register for Private Lessons or Group Classes, visit the JP Linguistics website HERE!

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French Language Sophie French Language Sophie

Wise Quotes From French Celebrities

Inspiration from the people who helped sculpt France’s cultural landscape.

Much cultural depth is owed to the wisdom of French men and women who have made an impact by thinking outside the box and daring to be different. We wanted offer some inspirational quotes from a few of our favorite French celebrities and philosophers who have dared to be different and have changed the world because of it. We hope you enjoy!

A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.
— Coco Chanel
Coco Chanel is one of France's most celebrated fashion designers. She is most know for her famous fashion brand, Chanel, and being a style icon with an edgy outlook on life. Image Credit:

Coco Chanel is one of France's most celebrated fashion designers. She is most know for her famous fashion brand, Chanel, and being a style icon with an edgy outlook on life. Image Credit:

Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.
— Alexis de Tocqueville
Alexis de Tocqueville is a famous French scientist born on July 29th, 1805 AD. He was also known by the name Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville. Image Credit:

Alexis de Tocqueville is a famous French scientist born on July 29th, 1805 AD. He was also known by the name Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville. Image Credit:

I shall tell you a great secret, my friend. Do not wait for the last judgment, it takes place everyday
— Albert Camus
Albert Camus is a French philosopher born in 1913 AD. He was only 47 when he died on January 4th, 1960 AD. He was known for his quotes which are still popular today. Image credit:

Albert Camus is a French philosopher born in 1913 AD. He was only 47 when he died on January 4th, 1960 AD. He was known for his quotes which are still popular today. Image credit:

Inspiration comes from working every day
— Charles Baudelaire
Charles Baudelaire was a French poet who worked as an art critic and pioneer translator of Edgar Allen Poe. He died at the young age of 46 years old in 1867. Image Credit:

Charles Baudelaire was a French poet who worked as an art critic and pioneer translator of Edgar Allen Poe. He died at the young age of 46 years old in 1867. Image Credit:

Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it
— Jules Renard
Jules Renard was a French author most known for his works, Poil de Carotte and Les Histoires Naturelles. Image Credit:

Jules Renard was a French author most known for his works, Poil de Carotte and Les Histoires Naturelles. Image Credit:

If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less but to dream more, to dream all the time
— Marcel Proust
Marcel Proust was a French writer most famous for his novel Á la recherche du Temps Perdu. Image Credit:

Marcel Proust was a French writer most famous for his novel Á la recherche du Temps Perdu. Image Credit:

Of course one should not drink much, but often
— Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was a post-impressionist French painter who spent most of his days at the infamous Moulin Rouge in Paris painting the colorful characters that worked at and frequented that club. Image Credit:

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was a post-impressionist French painter who spent most of his days at the infamous Moulin Rouge in Paris painting the colorful characters that worked at and frequented that club. Image Credit:

All oppression creates a state of war
— Simone de Beauvoir
Simone de Beauvoir was a French writer, intellectual, and feminist most notable for her treatise, The Second Sex. Image Credit:

Simone de Beauvoir was a French writer, intellectual, and feminist most notable for her treatise, The Second Sex. Image Credit:

We hope you enjoyed Wise Quotes From French Celebrities! Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive French related posts each Friday. If you are looking to learn French, don't miss JP Linguistics' Private Lessons, Group Classes, and Cultural Events! Bonne Journée! 


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French Language Sophie French Language Sophie

What Makes a Great Language Class: 5 Tips Before You Enroll

Learn how to suss out if that NYC French Class is worth the money.

We've all had that sudden urge to enroll in a language class that we've been wishing to take for years. Similar to that 'I gotta get to the gym' feeling, but less intimidating. After looking around for a bit we've found language classes that seem so obtainable, but at the same time felt the process of getting started a little daunting. Where is this fear of getting started stemming from? Is it those 4-years of foreign language classes in high school which didn't prepare us to speak a single sentence in college? Or was it from a language course we took from a tutor that didn't help us learn properly either? All we know is that, instead of jumping for joy at the many classes and opportunities available, we're thinking 'Ugh, will this one be worth my time?' 'How do I get started?' 'How will I know if this will really work?' 

These thought patterns are very common and I hear them all the time from new students at JP Linguistics. So, we wanted to share with you a few tips to think about before enrolling for your next language class. This process should be exciting not daunting. We hope these helpful tips allow your language skills to become what you've always dreamed they would be!

1. Learn From Native Instructors

If you are going to learn a foreign language, the best way to learn is from a native instructor. Free language APPS and digital technology are a great start, as long as the person teaching you is native from a country that speaks the language you are learning. Think about it like how you buy groceries. If you want fresh, organic, REAL food, then go to the source of where the groceries come from (farms & gardens). If you want 'organic, REAL' education, go to the source of where the language comes from. In French, for example, this means France, Africa (countries like Morocco, Zimbabwe, Nigeria) the Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and many more. If you are taught a foreign language from a non-native speaker it is similar to eating the processed, chemically treated foods. The source is no longer the authentic source. It might sound harsh, but native speakers have a strong sense of the language that most of the time is needed to have a full and complete understanding. Many Americans study languages for years to teach to other Americans. Many get very close to mastering the language, but there is nothing more real than a native speaker. If you want the best, then learn from the best - a native speaker that has a strong understanding of the linguistic and cultural background.

2. Set Goals While Learning

With most things in life, setting goals helps you to realize your vision into an actual thing. Without setting goals, success can still be achieved but you might find that, without focus, the initial vision might turn into something you didn't intend it to become. There are many programs, language APPS, colleges, companies, and free language groups available. You should consider how many of them are helping you to set your language goals. If you don't have any goals yet, have you ever considered making some? One way we, at JP Linguistics, help set goals for our students is to utilize a system called the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages. This program, established by the European Union, helps students who are learning a foreign language to stay on a goal-oriented track. It helps you and us to keep realistic and attainable goals. Simply put, each language level and class has a language goal. If you enrolled in a French 101 class, for example, the instructor should be able to tell you exactly what you will be able to accomplish after the class is completed. That is what is called "Objectifs Communicatifs" such as greetings, how to introduce yourself (your age, profession, and where you live, and "Objectifs Linguistiques" such as how to conjugate basic verbs like 'To be' (Être), ' To Have' (Avoid), 'To do' (Faire), 'ER' verbs. Furthermore, your instructor should be able to tell you more specifically what will be taught in each week of the course, including the book/online resources and activities. This allows you to know what's necessary for each step in reaching that goal and to create realistic goals to map out the length of your studies. The instructor with work along side the student to facilitate the learning and to help achieve the end goal. Notice the phrase 'work along side.' The instructor's job is to facilitate the course, not to robotically spoon-feed information. It is essential that a student comes prepared and willing to learn with each class. The work the student puts in to the learning, weighs heavily as to how much the get out of each class.

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3. Learn Through Immersive Environments

Learning a foreign language can be a challenge for many reasons. Students must be able to learn a new language structure and memorize loads of new vocabulary. In addition, students must also be able to grasp a brand new cultural way of thinking. If you close your eyes for a moment and try to describe the French culture, what comes to mind? For some, this might create thoughts like 'Delicious foods,' 'Skinny people having witty conversations at a cafe with croissants,' 'Artists on the street corners in Paris,' 'Beautiful vineyards in the South of France,' etc. Getting a true grasp on a new culture isn't only about the language, it's about understanding how foreign nations think, act, cook, what they believe in and why they believe it. This means taking the language deeper into the core of our senses. When describing a culture we can often describe how it tastes, what it looks like, how it feels, what it smells like, and what it sounds like. For example, when you experience the language at a dinner you get to use the language but also the culture around  "eating". If you pay close attention, you will learn how to cut your food a certain way, how to interrupt someone to comment on something or to ask something. For example, pay attention to where their hands are (on the table, under the table?), where and when to drink and how they say to 'Cheers!' 

When we immerse ourselves in to language learning, we learn more about cultural habits,  environments, and ways of thinking. This relates to learning how to speak a foreign language because we better understanding of why certain cultures act the way that they do, thus speak the way they speak. At JP Linguistics, we focus on immersive learning environments because it allows people to learn in a hands-on way, while learning a new skill with the language. This includes activities like 'Macaron & Croissant Making En Français' in which students can learn to speak French while learning to cook authentic recipes taught by native instructors. 

4. SELECT A CLASS THAT MatchES Your Learning Style

We all have busy lives. We all have different goals and aspirations. We all have different ways of interpreting information. An instructor with a training in Pedagogy (the discipline within Education that houses theories and practices to train someone to teach a course properly), understands this. A well-trained instructor is able to tailor a classroom to different learning styles depending on who is in the class. We believe very strongly in this at JP Linguistics, which is why our instructors are constantly trained in Pedagogy to provide experiences that match our student's needs. Below are a few interesting learning styles (among others). Which one are you?

  1. AccommodatorConcrete Experience + Active Experiment: strong in "hands-on" practical doing (e.g., physical therapists)

  2. ConvergerAbstract Conceptualization + Active Experiment: strong in practical "hands-on" application of theories (e.g., engineers)

  3. DivergerConcrete Experience + Reflective Observation: strong in imaginative ability and discussion (e.g., social workers)

  4. AssimilatorAbstract Conceptualization + Reflective Observation: strong in inductive reasoning and creation of theories (e.g., philosophers)

(sample of the David Kolbs model, as seen on

5. Be Entertained and Have Fun

 The whole point of learning a foreign language is getting out into the world, traveling, and putting it into practice. That's why taking the time out of your busy schedule each week to sit in a classroom and learn should be fun! Lessons should be engaging and utilize numerous sources of material (including the games and activities created by your instructor). Many of our classes utilize videos, music, games, online resources, food, field trips to art galleries and more. The book is an essential part of teaching because if maintains the goal-oriented track for students, but there is no reason a class should not be entertain and fun. Check out the video below geared at French 101 students, just as an example:

There are many things to consider when enrolling for your next language course and fear should not be one of them. Before you sign up for your next class, keep in mind the tips mentioned above 1. Learn From Native Instructors, 2. Set Goals While Learning, 3. Learn Through Immersive Environments, 4. Select a Class That Matches Your Learning Style 5. Be Entertained and Have Fun. If you are looking to enroll in a French class and want all of these incorporated in to your lessons, then look no further than JP Linguistics' Group Classes, Private Lessons, Tutoring, and Special Programs. Click HERE for more information, our feel free to reach out with any questions HERE.

Bonne Journee!

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French Language, French Sophie French Language, French Sophie

Funny French Idioms

Impress native speakers with your knowledge of these fun French idiomatic phrases.

If you speak French (or are learning), you'll know that some expressions used in the language can be quite humorous when translated verbatim from French to English. That's why we wanted to brighten your day with Funny French Idioms, phrases the French use which can translate unexpectedly. Next time you find yourself in these real life scenarios, try using French idioms to stir the conversation!

1. It's not all about size... or is it? Perhaps you are a person who is shorter than most people your age, or maybe you know someone who is. Often, this height difference might stir a few jokes from a friend who might say to you 'Vous êtes haut comme trois pommes.' This statement is a clear indication that someone may be making fun of your size. In French, this phrase is a way of saying 'You are vertically challenged.' However, this isn't exactly the literally translation. The common phrase 'Être haut comme trois pommes' actually equates to 'To be tall like 3 apples' (which is pretty small). So, the next time you interact with a 'vertically challenged' person try incorporating this clever phrase! It's a head turner. 

2. If you have a knack for recognizing natural French accents, this idiom is for you. There are instances where a non-native speaker will try to converse in French as naturally as possible, but feel shy and pause mid-sentence to say 'pardonnez mon accent, mais...' (excuse my accent, but...). If speaking to a French native, the listener might respond with a little sarcasm and say 'Non, non, vous parlez parfaitement le français. Est-ce que vous êtes français?” (No, no, you speak perfect French. Are you French?). A clever non-native speaker in this scenario might think to themselves 'he/she must be pulling my leg' in which the following phrase would be appropriate - 'Vous vous payez ma poire?' (the common French idiom meaning 'Are you pulling my leg?'). Technically though, this phrase translates to 'Are you buying yourself my pear?' which could be confusing to non-native speakers, yes, but to the French it makes perfect sense! In any case, next time someone is being sarcastic with you, try using this phrase to see if they are 'buying your pear!'

3. Keeping in theme with pears, there is another idiom the French love to use whenever someone is having a really good time. The phrase is 'se fendre la poire' and technically translates as 'to split the pear' but means 'to split one's sides' (or to laugh extremely hard or have a really good time). If you are out somewhere with hilarious French-speaking friends and are really enjoying yourself, slip in the phrase 'On se fend la poire là, non?' (We're having a ball, aren't we?).

These simple, funny French idioms are often used among friends and are a great way to practice your French. Do you know any French idioms? Make sure to post them in the comments section below and help continue the conversation. Also, you can post them on our Twitter using #jplingo @jplinguistics!

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