French Language Tips:
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Traveling to France during les fêtes de fin d'années? Add these words to your vocab to celebrate along with the Frenchiest of Frenchies.
Montreal offers an expansion to French education with multiple budget increases to help more people learn French.
A fight for linguistic dominance is emerging in Ghana, and French’s future in the country is at stake.
New, and controversial, words to go along with the country’s ever-changing socio-political landscape.
In February, France hosted the international organization devoted to its favorite export: its language.
When attention spans have been reduced to 6 seconds, it's important to find ways to get your brain back on track.
These French words and phrases might not work well with flashcards, but learning them is so worth it.
French Language & Culture - A Blog by JP Linguistics. We believe that learning French is deeper than just grammar and key phrases. It's understanding the depth of its culture that brings awareness and comprehension as to why French people communicate the way they do. This blog aims to help you learn much more than just vocabulary. It provides yummy recipes, trendy music playlists, unique cultural insights, fun language quizzes, history and much more. We hope you enjoy and learn to speak like a native. Don't forget to share your favorite articles with friends and visit @jplinguistics on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Spotify. Each one of our social platforms offers something unique, so they're worth checking out! Lastly, if you are looking to learn how to speak French, visit our Group Classes, Private Lessons, and our popular Language Workshops.
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Before you sit down at a French dinner table, it's imperative to understand the etiquette to a proper toast! This simple guide tells all.