Italian Language Tips:
Discover exciting Italian Language articles packed with useful tips and exercises to help you practice and speak like a native. Join our weekly newsletter to get our latest articles delivered directly to your inbox.
Have you ever wondered why the Italian at your deli is different from the Italian in your textbook?
The holiday season is a hoot and a holler wherever you are, but if you’re lucky enough to find yourself in Italy from December to early January, get acquainted with the language of their favorite traditions.
Italians love their coffee, and so do New Yorkers! How accurate is your order? Check out our latest post and see if you have been a coffee savant or not this whole time.
Through the years, Bregni has used Final Fantasy, Trivial Pursuit, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Heavy Rain and Rise of the Tomb Raider in his classrooms, but one of the most useful games he has found to teach Italian is Assassin's Creed II…
Thinking of renting an apartment (appartamento) in the beautiful country of Italy? Here are a few terms that you must know…
It is no secret that ‘English-isms’ have permeated nearly every language in countries across the world. Recently, The Accademia della Crusca, have accused the country’s education ministry of implementing an emerging educational text with dozens of English words and phrases…
Italian Language & Culture - A Blog by JP Linguistics. We believe that learning Italian is deeper than grammar and key phrases. It's understanding the depth of Italian culture that brings awareness and comprehension as to why Italian people communicate they way they do. This blog aims to help you learn much more than just vocabulary. It provides yummy recipes, trendy music playlists, unique cultural insights, fun language quizzes, history and much more. We hope you enjoy and learn to speak like a native. Don't forget to visit @jplinguistics on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Spotify. Each platform offers something unique, so it's worth checking out! Lastly, if you are looking to learn how to speak Italian, visit our Group Classes, Private Lessons, and our popular Language Workshops.
Get in touch : info@jplinguistics.com
Where in the boot is your favorite dialect?