Two Latin American Board Games That Will Bring Out Your Competitive Side
Board games, or juegos de mesa, are a great way to put down your electronic devices and connect with your friends and family. They’re also a great way to supercharge your Spanish learning with new vocabulary (and are also just way more fun than flashcards). Read on to discover two popular board games from Latin America.
Besides getting to know a cultural touchstone of Mexico, playing Lotería, or lottery, is awesome for your Spanish. Hailing originally from Italy, Lotería is a traditionally Mexican board game that is essentially Bingo. Instead of having a grid of letters and numbers, though, you receive a tabla, or board, filled with beautiful tarot card-esque illustrations. The way to win is determined at the beginning of each round, with a winning pattern chosen from a deck of cards. After a pattern is dealt, the game is on. El cantor, the caller, selects winning tiles from a different shuffled deck of cards. Each card includes an illustration, its name, and a short phrase describing the tile. El cantor reads out the card’s name and phrase, and people who have that tile place a frijole, a bean, on its respective spot on their boards. Once a player has filled out the pattern on their tabla, it’s time to shout ¡Lotería!
A Lotería tabla and deck of cards. (Photo by irvin Macfarland)
What’s so great about Lotería is that the sentences on the back of each card make it a fantastic way to learn some new vocab. Each sentence is tailor made to highlight the meaning of the name in the card, so most other words in the sentence have a high association to the card’s name. In this sense, you’re almost learning an entire tiny vocabulary unit as you listen to the cantor read out a card’s verse.
“El que le cantó a San Pedro no le volverá a cantar.”
“The one that sang for St. Peter will never sing for him again.”
“Al otro lado del río tengo mi banco de arena, donde se sienta mi chata pico de garza morena.”
“At the other side of the river I have my sand bank, where sits my darling short one, with the beak of a dark heron.”
“Tu me traes a puros brincos, como pájaro en la rama.”
“You have me hopping here and there, like a bird on a branch.”
Lotería is huge all throughout Latin America, and has a dedicated fan base. Back in late 2019, Google released a Google Doodle celebrating it. Check it out and try playing a virtual version! One of the big draws for Lotería’s continued adoration is because of its captivating illustrations. In fact, one way that fans express their love for Lotería is through t-shirts featuring its tiles. Lotería combines simple and exciting gameplay with artful design and language to create a memorable experience every time you pick up a new tabla.
If your idea of fun is raking in the dough, you’ll probably enjoy Estanciero, Spanish for the word “rancher.” Drawing heavily from Monopoly, this Argentinian board game swaps the goal of being a real estate mogul for the more pastoral dream job of a cow herding kingpin. The game invokes Argentina’s history as a world class cattle hotspot. Estanciero’s biggest innovation to the Monopoly-style game mechanism is a rest spot where you can hide from ever-growing farming fees.
In the video below, you can see that the game looks a ton like Monopoly, except for the hexagonal shape of the board. What’s nice about the similarities between the two games is that you won’t have much trouble figuring out which Spanish words correspond to their English counterparts.
Get Some Friends and Play!
There are tons of other Spanish-language board games out there, but these two have gameplay similar to ones that you and your friends are probably already familiar with. This way, you can skip right past the rules and into the game. Be sure to try speaking Spanish as you play, and maybe modify the rules to include bonus points for using certain tenses and negative points for speaking in English.
What’s your favorite board game? Be sure to comment below, and share this post with a friend.
(Thumbnail photo by Photo by Lat Lon).