Spanish Arts & Culture:
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The ins and outs of a dance with as many variations as the sauce it shares its name with.
The roads of Pontevedra, Spain, once invaded by traffic and city squares, are now often filled with baby strollers and the city council has redesigned Pontevedra from the viewpoint of a child.
Preserving media is an absolute necessity to understand the mentality and important issues in every generation…
Google salutes the 121st Philippine Independence Day with a special doodle that features the Philippine flag
Ecuador’s government has reached a decision to allow same-sex marriage marking the 50th anniversary of the gay equality movement.
Unfortunately, the Alcázar burned down along with more than 500 works from the Spanish royal family’s art collection…
Spaniards sleep about 53 minutes less than the European average, but does this mean they are overworked?
One Spanish grandmother that is making major digital waves in the art world including a contract with Disney…
A new exhibition about counter-culture during the Spanish transition to democracy previewed this month at a contemporary art museum in Madrid…
The Spanish government is planning to move forward with the equalization of paternity leave with maternity leave…
Have you ever had the inclination to revive the fabled school lunch room food fight in your adult years? Well, if you happen to make your way to Spain in the late summer, your dreams just might come true…
It may come as a surprise to say that the most important thing about a Spanish meal, in particular, lunch, is not the food. It’s the time you spend with those around you…
On July 1st, The UNESCO list of world heritage sites added the medieval Spanish city of Medina Azahara, to the growing list of Spanish sites honored…
In late June, the statue of St. George at a church in Estella in northeastern Spain was experiencing higher than regular visitation numbers. Unfortunately, it was due to a badly botched restoration…
Spanish Language & Culture - A Blog by JP Linguistics. We believe that learning Spanish is deeper than grammar and key phrases. It's understanding the depth of Latin culture that brings awareness and comprehension as to why Spanish people communicate they way they do. This blog aims to help you learn much more than just vocabulary. It provides yummy recipes, trendy music playlists, unique cultural insights, fun language quizzes, history and much more. We hope you enjoy and learn to speak like a native. Don't forget to visit @jplinguistics on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Spotify. Each platform offers something unique, so it's worth checking out! Lastly, if you are looking to learn how to speak Spanish, visit our Group Classes, Private Lessons, and our popular Language Workshops.
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Books to help you pretend that you’re a Spanish eleventh grader!